'The writing's on the wall' lose the scribble and get some 'Vocal Graffiti' delivered fresh to your device from January 1st 2023...

Vocal Graffiti Promo.mp3

The album consists of something old, something new, but nothing blue; in fact it's quite a happy album.

The opening track kicks the album off with some twangy twin lead riffs and from there the album features some different styled tracks including Rock, Ska, a ballad, some acoustic work, a little jazz ~ essentially pushing a few boundaries and experimenting a bit...

The Title Track from Vocal Graffiti

Thanks to all of my kids for patiently listening to all of the demos, telling me which ones sucked and helping me to put this album together I couldn't have done it without them...

Every year we all say "that's been tough, sometimes it's been good" and I think with the challenges to world peace brought upon us by Putin have actually strengthened alliances and brought the average people in the world closer together...

I hate bullies and think Putin's threats of nuclear war should be met with equally stoic responses that will hopefully see this madman brought to justice and the Ukrainian people given every bit of support we can muster to rebuild their wonderful country and give us all some peace in 2023 and beyond...

Thank you to all of you who have followed and supported me this year and I look forward to delivering some exciting new music in 2023...

Onwards and Upwards...

Craig P...

Apple Music


Craig Payne Music 2022 ©